Practical Advice

Make Problem-Solving a Fun Habit

Written by Maclean Lewis · 2 min read >
Make Problem-Solving a Fun Habit

watch as you start figuring out solutions to life’s Problems
one Mole at a time.

Let’s face it, life is like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. You know, that obnoxious arcade game where you’re armed with a giant mallet, trying to hammer down those pesky moles that just keep popping up? Yeah, that’s life, my friends. Just when you think you’ve tackled one problem, another one (or five) springs up to take its place. But what if I told you there was a way to not only deal with these relentless moles but actually enjoy the process?

That’s right, I’m suggesting that we make problem-solving a fun habit. And before you ask, no, I haven’t lost my mind. Hear me out.

The secret sauce here is to reframe the way we view problems. Instead of seeing them as stress-inducing, soul-crushing obstacles, we can view them as puzzles just waiting to be solved. It’s all about perspective. After all, if you never start doing the thing, you’ll never make progress.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Dude, this sounds like some hippy-dippy, rainbows-and-unicorns kind of thinking.” And sure, maybe it is. But what’s wrong with that? The world could use a little more positivity and a little less cynicism. You can be a friend to yourself instead of a dick. So let’s dive into how you can make problem-solving a fun habit that’ll have you figuratively whacking away at life’s moles with a smile on your face.

1. Embrace the challenge.

Think back to the last time you played a video game or even sports. There’s a certain thrill in gaining achievements or scoring, right? You feel like a goddamn hero. So why not apply that same mindset to the problems you face in life? When faced with a new challenge, instead of groaning and muttering expletives under your breath, try saying, “Hell yeah, bring it on!” Treat it like a game, and watch as your motivation to solve it skyrockets.

2. Make it a team sport.

We’re social creatures by nature, and there’s nothing like a little friendly competition to get the creative juices flowing. When you’re facing a problem, enlist the help of your friends, family, or colleagues. Make it a contest to see who can come up with the best solution or collaborate to devise an even more badass plan. In the process, you’ll strengthen your relationships, learn from each other, and have a hell of a good time.

3. Reward yourself.

A little positive reinforcement goes a long way. Whenever you successfully solve a problem, treat yourself to something you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be extravagant—a simple pat on the back, a delicious treat, or a night out to celebrate your victory will do the trick. The point is to associate problem-solving with positive reinforcement, making it more enjoyable and enticing.

4. Laugh it off.

Sometimes, the best way to deal with a problem is to find humour in it. Now, I’m not saying you should make light of serious issues, but when faced with everyday challenges, try to see the funny side. Laugh at your mistakes, embrace the absurdity of life, and remind yourself that no one has it all figured out. In the grand scheme of things, most of our problems are just molehills, not mountains.

In conclusion, making problem-solving a fun habit isn’t about denying the reality of life’s challenges—it’s about adopting a healthier, more optimistic perspective that empowers us to tackle them head-on. Just like how I reframed my anxiety to be a superpower instead of a burden. So pick up that metaphorical mallet, and start whacking away with a grin. Who knows? You might just become a problem-solving ninja!

Written by Maclean Lewis
These are just thoughts. Musings, or random things in my brain. This is a place, that something-something to get the words flowing through my head and onto the keyboard and finally onto here. Profile

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