Book Review

Resist the Resistance

Written by Maclean Lewis · 1 min read >
Resist the Resistance


It’s everywhere around us. It lulls us into this false sense of safety before unexpectedly taking us prisoner. And just like that, your life ends at its mercy. The more I hear of it the more convinced I am of its existence.

-Some Douchewinkle on the Internet, probably

What’s this Resistance shtick you’re going on about?

Whenever I speak about Resistance in this post it’s actually discussing the concept of “Resistance” that writer Steven Pressfield talks about in his seminal work “The War of Art”. If you haven’t heard or read about it yet, I’d strongly urge you to give it a read, it’s quite frankly amazing, especially if you’re of the artistic or entrepreneurial bent of mind!

You see, I am the type of person who you would best describe as a procrastinator. And until recently I used to think that this was the sole reason for all the unhappiness and regret in my life—until I was introduced to Resistance. And then it all started making more sense.

Why does it matter?

Essentially, I know it’s an esoteric concept to blame something, especially all my life’s worries onto this fictional concept, but honestly the more I dug into and read Steven’s work, the more convinced I was. As he says it’s truly one of the most destructive forces on the planet! It can be the difference between success and the depths of depression.

It also makes one aware that it’s a real opposing force that we have to deal with it. It’s as a wise man once said—“know thy enemy”. Truth be told it’s harder to prepare for and face this unimaginably powerful force of resistance unless you know it’s real and it’s out to wish for the demise of everything you hold sacred and important in your life.

This is a call to arms. Everything that you want to do and achieve in life, it’s very much possible and within your grasp, just be prepared to struggle, fight, and not giving up! Ultimately, if you play your cards right you will end up at your destination—success!

Here’s to the unending fight against resistance—the resistance against resistance, if you will!

Written by Maclean Lewis
These are just thoughts. Musings, or random things in my brain. This is a place, that something-something to get the words flowing through my head and onto the keyboard and finally onto here. Profile

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