Maclean Lewis

These are just thoughts. Musings, or random things in my brain. This is a place, that something-something to get the words flowing through my head and onto the keyboard and finally onto here.


12 stories by Maclean Lewis

Thriving with Anxiety? The Upside to Discomfort

Anxiety often gets a bad rep. It is often thought of as an undesirable negative emotion. The faster we...

Mar 9 · 2 min read >

Meditation: 5 Chill but Tangible Benefits (Hippie Approved)

You might have often heard the term meditation thrown around in the tree-hugging, peace-loving circles, as something that helps...

Feb 20 · 4 min read >

10 Reasons Why You Should Just Do The Thing (How to Get Out of Your Own Way)

Have you ever felt like there are some things you’ve been born on this earth to do? Whether they...

Feb 14 · 12 min read >

The purpose and purposeless-ness of procrastination

The topic I dread most is here again—procrastination. In all of its unfulfilled glory. You see, the reason why...

Jun 3 · 2 min read >

The challenge and meaning of anxiety

“Why me? Why this fear? Why does it have such a crippling hold on me? Why can’t I be...

Jun 1 · 1 min read >

Write Something, Anything is better than Nothing

There was this thing that struck me as quite odd and it concerns writing. In my previous counselling session...

May 24 · 2 min read >

Why You Shouldn’t be a Donkey

Have you ever felt like life is brimming with possibilities? Yet, there’s only so much time that you have...

May 22 · 1 min read >

What’s in your rearview mirror?

Meditation is amazing. Recently I’ve been trying to cultivate a new habit. The habit in question? Meditation. Why meditation?...

May 21 · 2 min read >

Friend or Foe?

It is often said that the internal state of our mind can dictate the way we feel in our...

May 21 · 2 min read >